Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Wow! I made it!

Here is my Prezi about what I learned.

I loved being able to take the time to explore tools that I think will engage my students, such as Kidblog (something I am super excited about trying even though it didn't work out for me to have the students use it during this course) and the digital storytelling tools. I also found tools such as Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest interesting for personal and professional reasons and to inform my teaching. I learned so much from Joanne and from what each of my classmates contributed to the course. Thank you everyone! Thank you to Brenda for setting up the class Wiki. I will be making my contributions over the next few weeks.


  1. Nice work Melisa, I really like your final Prezi.

  2. It was great to work with you this term, Melisa! I'm glad you are taking so much away with you as a result of the course!
